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September 14, 20159 years ago

Majestic As Fuck!

Well so much for the second floor. Mythic Xhul'horac sent to his awesome looking demise! 11/13M! Two more bosses in Mythic HFC! Wait... who drew the dolphin penis with the fire Read more
September 4, 20159 years ago

Outta our house, bitch!

We upgraded from our Chevy Cavalier to a sweet Camaro and ran over Tyrant Velhari. 10/13M! Halls of Tyranny reclaimed! Safety first! Read more
August 14, 20159 years ago

Patchwerk? We don't need no stinkin' Patchwerk!

Fel Lord Zakuun aka Fel Lopez couldn't stand up to Tyranny's wombo combo. 9/13M! Read more
August 10, 20159 years ago

2 Hours Later, Big Bird is No More

His terrorist ways are over! We're now 8/13M! Two new bosses down in one night! 3 in one lockout! Elmo's next! Read more
August 10, 20159 years ago

Oh so that's why he died so fast....

After we shook off being single mindedly focused on Gorefiend, Socrethar went down without a hitch! 7/13M! Over halfway there! And the first of two bosses in one night! Read more
August 6, 20159 years ago

Cancer and Lollipops.

Gorefiend is the most bipolar fight ever. It can be so awful, yet so unbelievable great. Hard fucking encounter behind us! 6/13M! Very proud! Read more
July 19, 20159 years ago

So there are actual Warlords on our Warlord of Draenor adventure, right?

At Last! An Actual Warlord of Draenor! And he's pretty awesome! But where's the rest?! 5/13M! Read more
July 16, 20159 years ago

This Was the Stupidiest Thing We've Done In Years.

When you raid as many years as we have, you occasionally come across an encounter that defies explanation on how it was allowed past testing... or how it functions... or what the devs were even thinking. This was one of those times. 4/13M and feeling trolled. Read more