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October 21, 20167 years ago

Sorry kid, this is going to be as cold as a warlock's ballsack.

This represents pretty much how Mythic Xavius went. 7/7M and US 65th! Read more
October 20, 20167 years ago

Malfurion was utterly useless again.

6/7 Mythic as Cenarius goes down! Read more
October 10, 20167 years ago

Tyranny Does Tentacle Hentai.

Simultaneously penetrating 5/7M orifices of Mythic Emerald Nightmare. Read more
October 5, 20167 years ago

Not Everything About Vanilla Was Awesome

Dragons of Nightmare Mythic Dead and 4/7M! But the one item we REALLY wanted didn't drop. Read more
October 2, 20167 years ago

Charge that Laser!

A little Mythic+ goes a long way. Okay a lot of Mythic+! Ursoc down! 3/7H! Read more
Posted in: Legion
August 28, 20167 years ago

We Are Legion

We're ready to save the world! Read more
November 20, 20158 years ago

13/13M, US# 82. The War is Over!

Mythic Archimonde Defeated! US #82nd! Five months later, Mythic Hellfire Citadel clear and our 5th expansion completed! Realm First! Read more
October 29, 20158 years ago

We're all fucked in the end anyway. RIP Mannoroth!

Rube-golderberg strat P4 and achieve victory! Mannoroth and got 12/13M. To the flow chart everyone to find out what happened! Read more