Ironic Punishment
Over 200 attempts later, Heroic Lei Shen 25, the most complex and demanding encounter has been fist-fucked by Team Tyranny! 12/13H!Fights like Heroic Lei Shen 25 are rare. They come along from time to time, but there has only been been a few of them in the game. Heroic Rag, Heroic Lich King. Kil'jaden. Mega-encounters like these test every aspect of a raid and a guild's ability to succeed. Tanking, group coordination, movement, independent action, precise positioning, movement, dealing with SHITTY RNG, extremely tight timers and windows of opportunity... these are the ones to remember.
And Heroic Lei Shen was certainly one to remember.
We did it pretty damn fast, only in a few weeks, and within our attempt count target. But moreover we saw what the guild was made of as we dealt with some really awful hands and heartbreaks. The character of the guild comes out. It turns out it is made of really stern stuff.
Fights like this are why Tyranny as a hardcore raiding guild exists. So congratulations to the guild on an very strong performance and be within one step of ending the tier!
Heroic Lei Shen? This candle has been lit.
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