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Tier 23

February 1, 20196 years ago

Just Video Game The Fuck Out Of It

Tyranny learned everything it knows in the LA Arcade scene, circa 2000. Jadefire Masters down, 3/9M. K.O!!!! Read more
January 31, 20196 years ago

We broke his combos, but Grong had the last laugh

So where's the useful upgrades? Giant Gorilla dies after a minor strugglebus, and we're 2/9M. Read more
January 30, 20196 years ago

Why bother even with Mythic Jaina?

First boss and incredible loot table go down in a whopping single pull. 1/9M. BoD mythic! begins Read more
January 28, 20196 years ago

This is Tyranny in Tides of Vengeance

A new day has come for Tyranny as we begin of Battle of Dazar'alor progression! Read more