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Mythic Modes

December 19, 20177 years ago

The Clock Strikes Midnight and We Get Our Second First Kill of the Day!

Sometimes I think we should rename our guild "Last Pull". Varimathras staked. 8/11M! Read more
December 19, 20177 years ago

Word of Advice: Balls Matter.

We dodged shit well. Mythic Kin'garoth dead! 7/11M! Read more
December 14, 20177 years ago

Video-Gaming The Fuck Out of It

Literally our entire lives prepared us for Mythic Imonar. 6/11M! Read more
December 11, 20177 years ago

Slow Towers are ALWAYS the most important.

Tower Defense principles serve us well as Eonar is saved! 5/11M! Read more
December 8, 20177 years ago

Descending to Hell and Metal As Fuck

Mythic Portal Keeper is very, very dead. 4/11M! Read more
October 17, 20177 years ago

We are the Machine.

In one of our biggest accomplishments ever, Tyranny defeats Mythic Kil'Jaden, 9/9M! 67th US kill! And pre-super-nerf! Read more