US 71! A solid start to a good expansion and a good tier!
A view we have is that first tiers are second only to the last tier of an expansion in their importance. Broadly, in that first tier that the way the game is going to be played for the next two years is defined. And for a guild, it's the time they figure out what works and what doesn't since they last did progression, often times 8 months to a year before in the last tier of the prior expac. It is important for both Blizzard and the guild to get it right, or at least learn from that.
With Castle Nathria Blizzard got it right more or less. It was certainly tightly tuned for a first tier - Emerald Nightmare it wasn't. But it had great fights across the board, and the only real misfire was the farce that was Stone Legion Generals (and boy was that a doozy). And the systems of the game mostly worked out too!
And the guild got a lot of aspects of it right. Some not too for sure, but quite a bit right. We did a big (and necessary) rebuild right after Nyalotha prog and the resulting team did all those months of farming and sales together, so this was about half the guild's first time proging together (and some raider's first top 100 experience!), and all things considered it was a good showing. Really the biggest misfire for us was SLG, but we're proud of the work we did on Sire, Darkvein and many other fights. In short, a good launching pad for the rest of the expac! A good mix of success and learning experiences.
Sire was a good fight, and went pretty well. We saw the last phase about 20 times, and killed it our second day of orange pulls (after a total of 6). Really if anything held us up, is that we didn't quite calibrate our damage on the second pair of named ads in phase 2 on the balconies for our comp. But once we did that, we killed it about 25 pulls later.
With 9.1 seemingly very far away we have a lot of time to farm, do sales and make adjustments for more successful prog this tier. Congratulations to everyone for their hard work, and I can't wait to see what we can do next go around!