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Terrace of Endless Spring

January 30, 201312 years ago

Heroic Sha of Fear defeated!!!! 16/16 Heroic! Server First! US #32!!!!

Tyranny defeated Heroic Sha of Fear 25. With it we achieved both US #32 25m rank and Server First in both 10 and 25m. Read more
January 17, 201312 years ago

Lei Shi does! 15/16H!!!!

Lei Shi went down like the baby he is. Read more
January 16, 201312 years ago

Heroic Tsulong is so Long

I apologize for the pun. 14/16H!! Read more
January 7, 201312 years ago

Did you use Protection? We did.

Layin into Fallen Protectors Heroic... hard 13/16H!! Read more
November 14, 201212 years ago

One Night Stand: World 2nd Terrace of Endless Spring.

So about last night... Team Tyranny plowed through Terrace, clearing it in about two hours. We wracked up two world firsts and two world seconds. Fear not! Read more