Tyranny is Recruiting for WoD 20-man Mythic Progression!
Are you a Resto Shaman or Windwalker Monk? We want you!
We're recruiting in preparation for Warlords of Draenor
Mythic Progression and (for now) Siege of Orgrimmar farm/sales. Already every WoD Betas testing period we're sending teams of 15-30 onto beta to guild test the latest raid content. But we need your help! Want to play with us and work to be one of the top 4 day a week guilds in North America (and have a damn good time while doing it)? App here:
Progression Hours: 8pm - 11:59pm EST on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday (4 days).
After Progression: 8pm - 11:59pm EST on Tuesdays and if needed Wednesdays. Optional activities on other nights of the week (legacy raids for mounts and transmog, alt runs).
ALL DPS AND HEALERS, but specifically:
- Resto Shaman- VERY URGENT
- Windwalker - VERY URGENT
Tyranny has continuously progressed at the highest level as a home to mature-minded players who want to efficiently raid the latest content since Tier 4 in 2006. For 16 hours a week we strive to raid the latest content at the highest level possible, progress rapidly, and achieve top US rankings status.
Tyranny is one of the most organized guilds you will ever encounter. We are known for the meticulous planning of our strategies and orderly operation of our guild. We believe that professional-level organization maximizes our ability to progress through content most efficiently on our 16 hour schedule. As a hardcore progression guild, we seek to compete among the best US guilds. We believe our organization gives us an advantage that our competitors do not enjoy, and in the process we have an incredible amount of fun. See our front pages? That's us.
Tyranny's long history comes from our collective dedication to the
guild as an idea. The raiders in Tyranny, past and present, want the guild to thrive, not just for their own benefit, but because they believe in the guild, the friends they've made here, and how only together we an acheive our collective goals. We recruit people who share this philosophy: in essence, raiding as a
team sport.
If you like to kill hard bosses quickly, play with extremely competent players, be part of a guild whose success is measured in years, with a strong community in and out of multiple games, incredibly active forums and deep strategic planning, then we are the guild for you.
If you are interested, please submit an application at:
or visit Shattered Hand and talk to Erran, Skroesec, Arij, or Echoics.
You can also add our BattleTag(s) if you want to chat more quickly!
Erran: Lerran#1592
Skroesec: Strife#1977
Arij: Raij#1488
Echoics: Echo#1576