The New Age of Tyranny
For one year we have prepared. And the time has come!
US #19th in Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar.
41 Mythic Garrosh kills, 82 mounts.
Enduring SoO farm for far too long but looking to the future.
Recruiting. Repairing where we were weak.
Beta testing, leveling on it. Showing up at all hours to raid untested content.
Facing immense personal changes and challenges and overcoming them.
Planning and manystrat talks. Countless hours on mumble working out angles.
Bringing new faces into the fold and making them part of our team.
Transitions and changes.
Blizzcon 2014.
For Warlords of Draenor we didn't just build a good guild or a great team. We built an army. We weaponized ourselves to be able to do anything, beat anything and have a tremendous amount of fun in the process. You all have done so much and so very well, before the expac even landed. You should be as proud of yoruselves as I am of you and hopefully as excited. We are ready, and our day is here.
We are one of the top 16 hour a week guilds in the US. Let's prove it again.
It will be a hard fight; perhaps our hardest fight yet. But there is no iteration of this guild that has ever been more prepared for what it is about to face. And there is no people better equipped to thrive in this fight than you. Be confident, be prepared.
We're Tyranny, perfected.
The long wait is over! Have fun tonight! Let's ring in the New Age of Tyranny in a way we'll all never forget!!!