A Tyranny Raider Always Pays Their Debts
Mythic Imperator Margok dead! Mythic Highmaul cleared! 7/7M and monkey swatted.
It's no secret that Mythic Highmaul in general, and Imperator Margok in particular, was not at all what anyone expected going into it. For Tyranny, it was an instance filled with ups and downs. We went through a lot in there. There was tremendous change. As the saying goes, you have to go to war with the Army that you have, not the Army you wish you had. That's been Tyranny since mid Janurary...
and we wouldn't have it any other way! Unfinished business is always difficult. It's an unusual place for us, to feel like we needed to play catch up. And the clock just ran out, try as hard as we might and make the progress we did, and we had to move into Foundry. The guild never let it bother them though. Not one bit. They kept their eyes on the future.
And here we are, a few weeks later, with a bunch of Mythic Foundry behind us, and one outstanding blank spot on our Tier 17 resume. No longer. After not seeing the encounter for weeks, the guild marched in, and in a few hours, ripped Imperator's damn head off. Seeing him die was tremendously satisfying, in a very personal way.
We're so tremendously proud of the guild, not just for the kill which was impressive (and non-trivial, even with BRF gear), but for holding their head high and never letting that we had to move on from this encounter overshadow our greater goals. The best stories aren't the one where the hero always wins, but the one where the he or she has to fight there way back. With Margok, we've lived that. We fought our way back.
Now onto the final four encounters in Blackrock Foundry!
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