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Tier 19

January 12, 20178 years ago

Heyla Mythic Dead on Tyranny's 10th Anniversary

Squid was on the dinner menu. 3/3M and US 64th! Read more
October 21, 20168 years ago

Sorry kid, this is going to be as cold as a warlock's ballsack.

This represents pretty much how Mythic Xavius went. 7/7M and US 65th! Read more
October 20, 20168 years ago

Malfurion was utterly useless again.

6/7 Mythic as Cenarius goes down! Read more
October 10, 20168 years ago

Tyranny Does Tentacle Hentai.

Simultaneously penetrating 5/7M orifices of Mythic Emerald Nightmare. Read more
October 5, 20168 years ago

Not Everything About Vanilla Was Awesome

Dragons of Nightmare Mythic Dead and 4/7M! But the one item we REALLY wanted didn't drop. Read more
October 2, 20168 years ago

Charge that Laser!

A little Mythic+ goes a long way. Okay a lot of Mythic+! Ursoc down! 3/7H! Read more