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Heroic Modes

January 28, 20196 years ago

This is Tyranny in Tides of Vengeance

A new day has come for Tyranny as we begin of Battle of Dazar'alor progression! Read more
March 21, 201410 years ago

Buy Our Crap!

The Tyranny Marketplace has opened! Siege of Orgrimmar Sales have begun! Get your Garrosh mount today! Read more
November 27, 201311 years ago

14/14H. The Promise Fulfilled.

Heroic Garrosh 25 Defeated! US #19th! One year later, Tyranny exits MoP, our 4th expansion as a progression guild, stronger than ever before! Read more
October 7, 201311 years ago

Walking with Dinosaurs

Followed by terrified sprinting away from them. Read more
October 4, 201311 years ago


From D.C. to Orgrimmar, we're taking advantage of the situation and making off with national treasures! Read more
September 26, 201311 years ago

Siege of Orgrimmar 9/14H: We rapin' errbody!!!!

9 Heroic Bosses down in 7 raid nights. Booyah. US #15! Actual front page images shortly. Read more