Shriekwing |
12.16.20 |
Huntsman Altimor |
12.17.20 |
Hungering Destroyer |
12.21.20 |
Sun King's Salvation |
12.24.20 |
Artificer Xy'mox |
12.28.20 |
Lady Inerva Darkvein |
12.29.20 |
The Council of Blood |
01.8.21 |
Sludgefist |
01.21.21 |
Stone Legion Generals |
02.11.21 |
Sire Denathrius |
02.26.21 |
Wrathion the Black Emperor |
01.29.20 |
Prophet Skitra |
01.29.20 |
Maut |
01.29.20 |
Hivemind |
01.31.20 |
Shad'har the Insatiable |
02.03.20 |
Dark Inquisitor Xanesh |
02.05.20 |
Vexiona |
02.10.20 |
Drest'agath |
02.14.20 |
Ra-den the Despoiled |
02.21.20 |
Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn |
02.28.20 |
Carapace of N'zoth |
03.09.20 |
N'zoth the Corruptor |
04.08.20 |
Abyssal Commander Sivara |
07.16.19 |
Radiance of Azshara |
07.16.19 |
Blackwater Behemoth |
07.16.19 |
Lady Ashvane |
07.26.19 |
Orgozoa |
08.08.19 |
The Queen's Court |
08.16.19 |
Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha |
08.30.19 |
Queen Azshara |
09.30.19 |
The Restless Cabal |
06.11.19 |
Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void |
09.11.20 |
Champion of the Light |
01.29.19 |
Grong, the Jungle Lord |
01.30.19 |
Jadefire Masters |
01.31.19 |
Opulence Treasure Guardian |
02.03.19 |
Conclave of the Chosen |
02.04.19 |
King Rastakhan |
02.07.19 |
High Tinker Mekkatorque |
02.13.19 |
Stormwall Blockade |
02.24.19 |
Jaina Proudmoore |
03.31.19 |
Taloc |
09.12.18 |
09.14.18 |
Zek'voz, Herald of N'zoth |
09.18.18 |
Vectis |
09.24.18 |
Fetid Devourer |
10.01.18 |
Zul, Reborn |
10.11.18 |
Mythrax the Unraveler |
10.19.18 |
G'huun |
11.15.18 |
Garothi Worldbreaker |
12.06.17 |
Felhounds of Sargeras |
12.06.17 |
Antoran High Command |
12.06.17 |
Portal Keeper Hasabel |
12.07.17 |
Eonar the Life-Binder |
12.10.17 |
Imonar the Soulhunter |
12.13.17 |
Kin'garoth |
12.18.17 |
Varimathras |
12.18.17 |
Coven of Shivarra |
12.28.17 |
Aggramar |
01.22.18 |
Argus the Unmaker |
02.22.18 |
Goroth |
06.29.17 |
Harjatan |
06.29.17 |
Demonic Inquisition |
06.30.17 |
Sisters of the Moon |
07.04.17 |
Desolate Host |
07.11.17 |
Mistress Sassz'ine |
08.13.17 |
Maiden of Vigilance |
08.27.17 |
Fallen Avatar |
09.13.17 |
Kil'jaeden |
10.16.17 |
Skorpyron | 01.26.17 |
Chronomatic Anomaly | 01.26.17 |
Trilliax | 01.27.17 |
Krosus | 02.02.17 |
Spellblade Alluriel | 02.09.17 |
High Botanist Te'larn | 02.17.17 |
Tichondrius | 02.23.17 |
Star Augur | 03.22.17 |
Grand Magestrix | 04.05.17 |
Gul'dan | 04.27.17 |
Odyn | 11.24.16 |
Guarm | 12.07.16 |
Helya | 01.11.17 |
Nythendra | 9.28.16 |
Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption | 10.9.16 |
Elerethe Renferal | 9.29.16 |
Ursoc | 10.3.16 |
Dragons of Nightmare | 10.5.16 |
Cenarius | 10.19.16 |
Xavius | 10.20.16 |
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